The Road Less Tempting

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"The thief comes only to steal ​and kill and destroy. I came ​that they may have life and ​have it abundantly."

— John 10:10 (ESV)


In our journey of faith, it's essential to understand the contrasting ways the Lord and ​the enemy, Satan, work in our lives. Satan's ultimate goal is our destruction. He ​seeks to steal our joy, kill our hope, and destroy our lives. He does this deceptively ​by baiting us with temporary pleasures and thrills. Sin, after all, is often enjoyable for ​a time. It entices us with promises of happiness and satisfaction, but this path, ​though seemingly filled with bursts of life, leads us to death and destruction.

On the other hand, the Lord offers us a different path—a path that leads to true, ​abundant life. However, this journey often feels like a series of small deaths. As we ​follow Christ, we encounter trials, hardships, betrayals, and losses. These ​experiences can be painful and challenging, but they serve a greater purpose. They ​help us shed our old, sinful nature and grow stronger in our faith. Through these ​"little deaths," we are being transformed into the likeness of Christ.

Christianity is not a mere subculture of the world; it is a counter-culture. While the ​world pursues fleeting pleasures, we are called to endure and persevere. The ​struggles we face are not in vain. Each trial is a step toward becoming the person ​God created us to be—strong, resilient, and reflecting the image of Christ.


  • Embrace the Process: Understand that the hardships you face are part of God's ​refining process. They are shaping you into a stronger, more Christ-like individual.

  • Stay Vigilant: Be aware of the enemy's tactics. Recognize that the fleeting ​pleasures of sin are traps leading to destruction. Choose to follow the path of life ​that Christ offers, even when it is difficult.

  • Cultivate Resilience: Develop a resilient spirit. Trust in God's plan for your life, ​knowing that each trial is a step toward spiritual maturity and abundant life.


Heavenly Father, help me to see beyond the temporary pleasures of sin and ​recognize the true life You offer. Strengthen me to endure the trials and hardships I ​face, knowing they are shaping me into the image of Christ. May I walk faithfully in ​Your ways, embracing the journey that leads to everlasting life. Amen.


By understanding the contrasting paths laid before us and choosing to follow Christ, ​we become better disciples. We learn to navigate life’s challenges with faith and ​resilience, ultimately reflecting the true and abundant life that God has promised.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries