The Real ​Prosperity Gospel:

Reclaiming the Significance of Discipleship

Friday, June 28, 2024

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

"For the Son of Man came to ​seek and to save the lost." ​_Luke 19:10 ESV

In today's world, the term "prosperity gospel" is often misinterpreted to mean that God ​promises health, wealth, and success to those who follow Him. However, the true message ​of the Gospel is not about material prosperity. Jesus came to bring us salvation, a gift far ​greater than any earthly possession.

The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 5:8, "But God shows his love for us in that while we ​were still sinners, Christ died for us." This act of profound love wasn't to make us rich or ​free from physical ailments in this fallen world. Instead, it was to address our deepest need​—the restoration of our broken relationship with God due to sin.

Understanding this truth reshapes our perspective on discipleship. As followers of Christ, ​our duty isn't to pursue wealth or perfect health as ends in themselves. Rather, it is to ​embody and proclaim the gospel—the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. ​We are called to live lives that reflect the transformative power of His grace, pointing ​others not to temporary prosperity, but to eternal hope.

Christ’s mission was to restore our relationship with God. He demonstrated that true ​prosperity is found in spiritual richness, not material wealth. His life was marked by humility ​and service, setting an example for us to follow. Jesus’ ultimate act of love was His sacrifice ​on the cross, offering us eternal life.

Jesus Himself taught in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his ​righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This verse underscores that our ​primary focus should be on God's kingdom and His righteousness, not on worldly gains. Our ​responsibilities as disciples include living out the values of the kingdom—love, justice, ​mercy, and humility—while proclaiming the message of reconciliation with God through ​Christ.

As His disciples, our focus should be on following Him, growing in our relationship with ​Him, and living out His teachings. This means prioritizing our spiritual growth and ​commitment to His mission. Discipleship requires us to share the Gospel, comfort the ​brokenhearted, and serve those in need. So, may we be diligent in sharing the gospel, ​comforting the brokenhearted, and serving those in need, knowing that true prosperity is ​found in knowing Him and making Him known.

In a fallen world where true and lasting prosperity is unattainable, we find our hope and ​fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Let us reclaim the true meaning of prosperity by committing ​ourselves to the path of discipleship, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, and ​trusting in His promises.

Jesus’ life and teachings call us to a higher purpose than worldly wealth. The real prosperity ​gospel is about salvation and the transformation that comes from following Christ. Let us ​dedicate our lives to knowing Him, making Him known, and finding our true prosperity in ​His eternal promises.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries