The Only Way
Friday, July 26, 2024
Two Signs, One Meaning
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
– John 14 : 6 ESV
In our journey through life, it’s easy to hold onto comforting but misguided beliefs about eternity. A common misconception is that those who pass away, regardless of their faith, become angels or automatically go to heaven. However, Jesus' teachings provide a clear and sometimes sobering perspective on this topic.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:14 that the path to life is narrow and few find it. This underscores the reality that not everyone will enter heaven. It’s not our church attendance, the prayers of our loved ones, or the words spoken at our funerals that determine our eternal destination. Even our good deeds, while important, are not the key to salvation.
The Truth in Love:
As disciples of Christ, we are called to speak the truth in love. It’s a difficult task, but one that is vital for guiding others toward genuine faith. Jesus boldly declared that He is the only way to the Father. This means that our relationship with Him is the cornerstone of our faith and the only means by which our place in heaven may be secured.
Repent and Believe:
The journey to eternal life begins with repentance. To repent is to turn away from sin and to earnestly seek God's forgiveness. This act of humility and obedience is the first step toward a transformative relationship with Jesus.
Believing in Jesus means more than just acknowledging His existence. It involves understanding His sacrifice, understanding our need for His sacrifice and placing 100% our trust in Him; accepting His grace, and committing to follow Him wholeheartedly. This belief is evidenced by our daily walk with Him, our adherence to His teachings, and our reliance on His grace.
Follow Him:
Following Jesus is a lifelong commitment. It’s a call to discipleship where we continually grow in our faith, learn from His Word, and strive to live out His teachings. As we navigate through life’s challenges, we cling to the assurance that Jesus holds us securely in His hands.
His Grace is Sufficient:
In moments of doubt or when facing the harsh realities of life, remember that His grace is sufficient. It is through His grace that we find strength, hope, and the assurance of our salvation. Trusting in Jesus means resting in the confidence that He has made a way for us, even when we could not make one for ourselves.
Reflective Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for providing the way to eternal life through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to repent of our sins, believe wholeheartedly in Jesus, and commit to following Him daily. May we speak the truth in love, guiding others towards Your grace and mercy. Strengthen our faith and remind us that Your grace is always sufficient. In Jesus' name, Amen.
In this life, there are many paths we can take, but only one leads to eternal life. As we disciple others, let us remember to point them to Jesus—the way, the truth, and the life. Trust Him, follow Him, and know that He holds you securely in His hands.
John Ray Hardy
Discipleship Through Love Ministries