Sense & Sensitivity

and the Gift of Conviction

Friday, July 19, 2024



Romans 7:15-25, 1 Timothy 1:15

"The saying is trustworthy and ​deserving of full acceptance, that ​Christ Jesus came into the world to ​save sinners, of whom I am the ​foremost."

– 1 Timothy 1 : 15 ESV

Have you ever wondered why guilt lingers even after you've sought God's ​forgiveness? You might question the sincerity of your conversion, but in reality, your ​sensitivity to sin is a sign of spiritual growth and the Spirit's work within you. The ​Apostle Paul, a pillar of faith and theology, declared himself the chief of sinners. This ​confession reveals a profound truth about our walk with Christ: as we grow in our ​faith, our awareness and abhorrence of sin deepen.

When we first come to Christ, we are justified—declared righteous and covered by ​the righteousness of Christ. This legal standing before God is a cornerstone of our ​faith. However, the journey doesn’t stop there. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in ​our hearts, continually transforming us into Christ’s likeness. This transformation ​heightens our sensitivity to sin. What once seemed trivial or unnoticed now grieves ​us deeply.

Paul’s declaration of being the chief of sinners teaches us that true spiritual maturity ​involves a growing awareness of our shortcomings. It’s not that we become more ​sinful; rather, we become more conscious of sin’s gravity and our dependency on ​God’s grace. This heightened sensitivity leads us to sin less, but paradoxically, we ​feel worse about the sins we do commit. This is because as we grow in ​righteousness, our love for what is holy intensifies, and our hatred for sin deepens.

Discipleship and Daily Life:

This principle has profound implications for our discipleship and daily lives. Here are ​some examples of how this spiritual truth aids us in everyday challenges:

  • Personal Reflection and Growth: When you feel the weight of guilt, remember ​that it’s a sign of the Spirit's work within you. Instead of despairing, use these ​moments to draw closer to God. Confess your sins, embrace His forgiveness, ​and seek His strength to overcome future temptations. This process helps you ​grow in humility and dependence on God.
  • Relationships: Our sensitivity to sin influences how we treat others. We become ​more aware of our words and actions, striving to embody Christ’s love and grace. ​This heightened awareness helps us seek reconciliation and forgiveness quickly ​when we wrong others, fostering healthier and more Christ-centered relationships.
  • Work and Integrity: In our professional lives, this sensitivity encourages us to ​maintain integrity and honesty. Even when others might compromise their values ​for personal gain, we stand firm in righteousness, knowing that our actions reflect ​our faith in Christ. This can lead to difficult decisions, but it strengthens our ​witness to those around us.
  • Community and Service: As our love for righteousness grows, so does our ​desire to serve others and promote justice. We become more attuned to the ​needs of our community and are driven to act compassionately. This might mean ​volunteering, supporting local causes, or advocating for those who are ​marginalized.

A Different Perspective:

Many of us have been taught that feeling guilty after repentance indicates a lack of ​faith or forgiveness. However, consider this perspective: your ongoing sensitivity to ​sin is evidence of God’s transformative work in your life. It shows that the Spirit is ​actively molding you into the image of Christ. Embrace this journey, knowing that ​each step brings you closer to the heart of God.

As you grow in Christ, remember that feeling worse about sin is a natural part of ​loving righteousness more. Let this truth encourage you to persevere in your ​discipleship, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for every challenge you face. By ​embracing this principle, you can navigate life's difficulties with a deeper ​understanding of God's work within you, leading you to greater spiritual maturity and a ​more profound love for Christ.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your transformative work in our lives. Help us to ​embrace our sensitivity to sin as a sign of Your Spirit at work within us. Guide us in ​our daily walk, that we may grow in righteousness and reflect Your love in all we do. ​Give us the strength to persevere in our discipleship, and remind us of Your unending ​grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries