The Most Common Sin Today:

It’s Not What You Think

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Freed Captive with Bible

In today’s world, we often think of ​common sins as actions such as lying, ​stealing, or harboring anger. However, ​there is a more subtle and insidious sin ​that many Christians unknowingly ​commit: the combined breaking of the ​first and second commandments. This ​sin is not about what we do outwardly, ​but what we believe inwardly about ​God and His nature.



“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for ​yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the ​earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them ​or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, ​punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth ​generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand ​generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

– Exodus 20 : 3 - 6

Many Christians profess to worship the one true God and to trust in Jesus for their ​salvation. Yet, they fall into the trap of redefining God to fit their own desires and ​preferences. Instead of worshipping God as He reveals Himself in the Bible, they ​create a version of God that aligns with their personal beliefs and comforts. This ​modern idolatry is rampant and often goes unrecognized, leading to a dangerous ​misunderstanding of faith and salvation. It has been the cause of division in many ​personal relationships, families, and even in our churches.

Redefining God

A common statement heard is, "I believe in God, but I don't believe in hell. God is ​love and a loving god wouldn't send good people to hell." While this sentiment might ​be comforting, it misrepresents the God of the Bible. God is indeed love, but He is ​also just and holy. He has clearly stated the standards of righteousness and the ​consequences of sin.

When we create a version of God that suits our preferences, we break the second ​commandment, which prohibits the making of idols. These idols are not just physical ​statues but also false conceptions of God. By worshipping a god of our own making, ​we simultaneously break the first commandment, which commands us to have no ​other gods before Him. The tragedy is that many are unaware of these ​transgressions, leading to a lack of repentance.

The True Nature of Salvation

Salvation is another area where misunderstanding abounds. Many claim to be saved ​without a true grasp of what that means. Phrases like, "I asked Jesus into my heart," ​are common, yet when pressed, many cannot explain the significance of this ​statement. Salvation is not merely about asking Jesus into our hearts to help us be ​better people. It is about recognizing our sinfulness, understanding that Jesus' ​sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty for our sins, and accepting Him as our Lord ​and Savior. This involves a transformation that aligns our lives with His commands ​and leads us to a life of continual repentance and growth.

We must strive to ensure that salvation is fully understood by the people to whom we ​attempt to bear witness. It is not just saying a "special prayer" or "asking Jesus into ​your heart"; it must be a complete understanding of our need for a Savior, who ​exactly Jesus is and what He has done for us, and how by trusting and putting our ​faith in Him, we can receive eternal life in heaven despite our sin. There is no other ​atonement except by His blood.

Living in True Knowledge

As disciples of Christ, it is crucial that we continually seek to understand who God ​truly is and what He expects of us. This means studying the Bible diligently, praying ​for wisdom and discernment, and being vigilant against false teachings. We must not ​fall into the trap of shaping God into an image that fits our desires. Instead, we should ​strive to know Him as He reveals Himself in Scripture.

Living a life of repentance requires awareness of our sins. We must understand the ​seriousness of sin and the need for continual growth in our faith. This involves regular ​self-examination and a willingness to be corrected by God’s Word. By doing so, we ​can align our lives more closely with His will and avoid the common sin of idolatry.


In conclusion, the most common sin today is not what we might initially think. It is the ​subtle and often unnoticed sin of creating a false image of God that aligns with our ​preferences rather than His true nature. As Christians, we must strive to worship God ​as He truly is, not as we wish Him to be. We must understand the true nature of ​salvation and live lives marked by continual repentance and growth in our knowledge ​of Christ.

Let us commit to knowing God more each day, understanding His commands, and ​living lives that reflect His truth. By doing so, we honor Him and keep His ​commandments, avoiding the pitfalls of modern idolatry.


Heavenly Father, help us to know You as You truly are. Open our eyes to any false ​images we have created and lead us to repentance. Strengthen our understanding of ​Your Word and guide us in living lives that honor You. May we continually grow in our ​knowledge of You and walk faithfully in Your commands. In Jesus' name, Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries