Monday, June 24, 2024

Knock, Seek, Ask

knock on the door

In Luke 11:9, Jesus offers us a profound ​invitation into the dynamics of prayer and ​faith. His words are not merely ​instructions but a revelation of the Father’s ​heart towards His children. Let’s explore ​what it means to "knock, seek, and ask" in ​light of this scripture.

“And I tell you, ask, and it will be ​given to you; seek, and you will ​find; knock, and it will be opened ​to you.” _Luke 11:9 ESV

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

1. Knock

Jesus starts with "knock." Imagine standing at a closed door, uncertain of what lies beyond. ​Yet, Jesus encourages us to knock. This action requires initiative and persistence. In our ​spiritual lives, knocking signifies our willingness to approach God with our needs, desires, ​and concerns. It reflects our faith in God’s ability and willingness to respond. When we ​knock, we acknowledge that God is the source of all good things and that He delights in ​hearing from us.

2. Seek

Next, Jesus tells us to "seek." Seeking involves actively searching for something valuable. In ​the context of prayer and faith, seeking God means pursuing His presence, His will, and His ​kingdom. It’s about desiring deeper intimacy with Him and aligning our hearts with His ​purposes. When we seek God, we open ourselves to His guidance, wisdom, and revelation. ​It requires diligence and a heart that yearns to know Him more intimately.

3. Ask

Lastly, Jesus instructs us to "ask." Asking is a fundamental aspect of prayer. It involves ​making our requests known to God with confidence and trust in His ability to answer ​according to His will. Asking requires humility, recognizing our dependence on God for ​every aspect of our lives. God delights in our prayers because they reflect our faith and ​trust in His goodness and sovereignty.

Putting it into Practice:

As we reflect on Luke 11:9, let’s consider how we can apply these principles in our daily walk ​with God:

  • Persistence in Prayer: Are we consistent in bringing our needs and desires before God, ​trusting that He hears and will answer in His perfect timing?
  • Intentional Seeking: Do we actively pursue God through prayer, reading His Word, ​worship, and fellowship with other believers?
  • Confident Asking: Are we bold in presenting our requests to God, believing that He is ​both willing and able to answer according to His good and perfect will?

Jesus’ words in Luke 11:9 are an encouragement and a challenge to us as His followers. They ​remind us of the privilege we have to approach God as our loving Father who desires to ​give us good things. Let’s embrace the invitation to knock, seek, and ask with faith and ​expectancy, knowing that God is faithful and His promises are true.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries