Is This Really What You Want?

The Importance of Battling Contentment

Friday, July 12, 2024

"When Jesus saw him lying ​there and knew that he had ​already been there a long time, ​he said to him, 'Do you want to ​be healed?'"

— John 5:6 ESV


In John 5:6, Jesus approaches a man who had been an invalid for 38 years, lying by ​the pool of Bethesda in hopes of healing. Jesus' question, "Do you want to be ​healed?" might seem unnecessary at first glance. Of course, the man would want to ​be healed—wouldn't he? However, Jesus' question pierces deeper than just the ​surface level. He is addressing a profound issue: the man’s contentment in his ​situation.

For 38 years, this man had grown accustomed to his life of infirmity. His condition, ​while unfortunate, had become his normal. This familiarity can bring a strange sense ​of comfort. Change, even positive change, can be intimidating because it forces us ​to step into the unknown. The man's response reveals a resignation to his plight—he ​didn't answer directly but instead explained why he had not been healed, citing his ​inability to get into the pool in time.


Just as the invalid had settled into his condition, many people today grow content in ​their sin or struggles. They may recognize the need for change, but the comfort of ​the familiar can hold them back. The sinful habits, negative thoughts, or harmful ​relationships become a part of their identity, making the idea of healing or ​transformation seem daunting.

Jesus’ question to the invalid man is the same question He asks us today: "Do you ​want to be healed?" It challenges us to confront our contentment with our current ​state and invites us to embrace the healing and transformation He offers. It requires ​a willingness to let go of the familiar and trust in His power to change us.


When witnessing to others, understanding this dynamic is crucial. Many people may ​resist the Gospel not because they don’t believe it, but because they are afraid of the ​change it requires. They might feel unworthy or unable to break free from their past. ​Here’s how we can use this understanding in our witness:

  • Empathy and Understanding: Recognize that change can be scary. Approach ​conversations with empathy, acknowledging the challenges they face.
  • Share Your Story: Personal testimonies of transformation can be powerful. ​Share how Jesus has changed your life and the peace and joy that have come ​from stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • Highlight Jesus' Compassion: Emphasize Jesus’ compassion and His desire to ​bring healing and freedom. He understands our fears and meets us where we are.
  • Offer Support: Assure them that they are not alone. Offer to walk alongside them ​in their journey of faith, providing encouragement and support.
  • Pray Together: Invite them to pray, asking Jesus to reveal His love and to give ​them the courage to embrace the healing He offers.


Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your compassion and understanding. Help us to see ​the areas in our lives where we have grown content in our sin or struggles. Give us ​the courage to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the healing and ​transformation You offer. As we witness to others, grant us empathy and wisdom to ​support them in their journey toward You. Amen.

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Reflect on areas in your life where you may have settled into a familiar but unhealthy ​pattern. Pray for the courage to embrace Jesus’ healing. This week, reach out to ​someone who might be struggling and offer to share your story of transformation and ​support them in prayer.

This devotional aims to help readers recognize their need for healing and the comfort they ​might find in familiar struggles. It encourages empathy and support when witnessing to ​others, emphasizing the transformative power of Jesus’ love and compassion.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries