Humbleness in Opposition:

The Posture of a Disciple

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Young Man Being Talked About By Women

“Good sense makes one slow ​to anger, and it is his glory to ​overlook an offense.”

– Proverbs 19 : 11 ESV

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' ​sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you ​when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds ​of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be ​glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they ​persecuted the prophets who were before you."

– Matthew 5 : 10-12 ESV

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to walk a path that often runs counter to the ​world’s values and expectations. One of the significant markers of this discipleship ​journey is our response to offense and misunderstanding. The Bible is clear that ​overlooking an offense is a mark of wisdom and glory. Proverbs 19:11 teaches us ​that good sense leads to patience and it is our glory to overlook offenses.

But why does this matter so much? Because in doing so, we reflect Jesus Himself. ​In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus assures us that we are blessed when we are ​persecuted and falsely accused for His sake (Matthew 5:10-12). Our natural ​inclination might be to defend ourselves, seek vindication, or harbor resentment. Yet, ​Jesus calls us to a higher standard—a standard of humility and meekness.

When we face ridicule, misunderstanding, or false accusations, we are given a ​unique opportunity to look like Jesus. Just as He was reviled and misunderstood, we ​too will face similar trials. This is not a sign of failure or dishonor but rather a badge ​of honor in the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells us to rejoice and be glad in these ​moments because they align us with the prophets and faithful servants who came ​before us.

Discipleship is not about being understood or validated by the world. It’s about ​embodying the values and character of Christ, even when it costs us our reputation or ​comfort. This requires a humble heart, one that does not seek to be exalted but is ​content to be made low for the sake of the Gospel.

When we overlook offenses, we declare that our worth and identity are secure in ​Christ. We do not need the approval or understanding of others to validate our faith. ​Instead, we find joy in the assurance that our reward is in heaven, where our true ​value and glory are fully recognized by God.

Today, let us embrace the responsibilities of discipleship with humility. Let us count it ​all joy when we face misunderstandings and offenses, knowing that in these ​moments, we are blessed and honored to share in the sufferings of Christ. Let our ​lives be a testament to the world that we are not of this world, but we belong to a ​Kingdom that values humility, patience, and love above all else.

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Lord Jesus, grant us the wisdom and grace to overlook offenses and embrace ​humility. Help us to see these moments as opportunities to reflect Your character and ​share in Your sufferings. May we find joy in being misunderstood and persecuted for ​Your sake, knowing that our true reward is in heaven. Strengthen us in our ​discipleship journey to live in a way that honors You and brings glory to Your name. ​Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries