He Who Has

Ears to Hear

Man Sharing the Gospel

Sunday, June 23, 2024

In the Gospels, Jesus often concluded his ​teachings with the profound statement, ​"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." ​This seemingly simple phrase carries deep ​spiritual significance and invites us to ​delve into its meaning.

Jesus used this expression to prompt his ​listeners to move beyond mere physical ​hearing to spiritual understanding. He was ​not merely referring to the physical ability ​to hear his words but to the openness and ​receptivity of one’s heart to grasp the ​deeper truths he was sharing.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke in parables and used metaphorical language to convey ​spiritual truths about the kingdom of God. To grasp these truths required more than just ​passive listening; it demanded an active engagement of the heart and mind.

“This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing ​they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do ​they understand. Indeed, in their case the prophecy of ​Isaiah is fulfilled...”

_Matthew 13:13b-14a

In Matthew 13:13-17, Jesus explains to his disciples why he speaks in parables. He quotes ​Isaiah, saying, "You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never ​perceive." This highlights the importance of spiritual receptivity. Those who approach Jesus ​with open hearts, seeking to understand and apply his teachings, are the ones who truly ​"hear."

Having "ears to hear" involves humility, a willingness to learn, and a readiness to respond ​obediently to God's Word. It requires setting aside our preconceived notions and allowing ​the Holy Spirit to illuminate the truths Jesus is imparting.

How many times have you attempted to witness to someone and no matter what you had to ​say or how logical and sound the information you were providing, the person was always ​standing on ready with a retort? In today’s societal climate it seems that most people listen ​to respond rather than listen to hear and actually understand. Many times, they are ​formulating their response while you are still speaking. This is a sign of a rebellious heart ​and a defiant spirit. This person is not truly seeking answers. This person is not truly seeking ​God.

The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all ​your heart.” …and if one who truly seeks the Lord will definitely find Him, it stands to reason ​that one who does not sincerely seek the Lord, will not.Do not be discouraged but remember ​that we will not be able to reach everyone. We can plant the seed and we can pray… and ​sometimes that is all we can do.

Jesus's call to "hear" goes beyond the immediate audience of his time; it resonates through ​the ages to everyone who encounters his teachings today. And not just for the lost, but even ​regarding us, as Christians, whether we read the Scriptures, hear a sermon, or engage in ​Christian fellowship, the invitation remains: are we truly listening with spiritual ears?

As we reflect on Jesus's words, let us examine our own hearts. Are we approaching God’s ​Word with the same openness and hunger for understanding as the early disciples did? Are ​we allowing the truths of Scripture to penetrate our hearts and transform our lives?

Let us pray for spiritual ears that are attuned to God's voice, ears that not only hear but ​understand and obey. May we cultivate a deep sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, ​discerning God’s will and growing in our relationship with Him.

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." May this call resonate within us daily, prompting us ​to seek God earnestly, listen intently, and walk faithfully in His ways.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries