Guarding the Flock:

Discipleship in a Deceptive World

Monday, July 1, 2024

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

"You will recognize them by their fruits. ​Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, ​or figs from thistles ? "

— Matthew 7:16 ESV

In Matthew 7:16, Jesus gives us a vital principle: we can identify true followers and leaders ​by the fruits they produce. This teaching is especially relevant in our discipleship ​responsibilities and daily lives. It’s not enough to simply listen to words or be swayed by ​appearances; we must examine the outcomes and actions that stem from one's faith.

As disciples of Christ, our primary responsibility is to follow Him and help others do the ​same. This means living a life that reflects His teachings and encourages others to grow in ​their faith. However, it also means being vigilant and discerning about whom we allow to ​influence our walk with Christ.

Jesus warned us about false prophets—wolves in sheep’s clothing—who come with the ​appearance of godliness but whose intentions are harmful. They can be charismatic pastors, ​popular Christian artists, or influential leaders within the church. They may seem to speak ​and act in the name of Jesus, but their fruits—their actions, teachings, and the impact they ​have—do not align with biblical truth.

Everyday Application:

1. Testing Teachings:

When you hear a sermon, listen to a Christian song, or read a devotional, ask yourself: ​Does this align with Scripture? Are the teachings consistent with the gospel of Jesus ​Christ? Spend time in the Word to verify and confirm the messages you receive.

2. Observing Actions:

Look at the lives of those who claim to lead or influence you spiritually. Do they ​exhibit the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, ​faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)? Are their actions and ​decisions rooted in Christ-like humility and servanthood?

3. Seeking Godly Wisdom:

Pray for discernment and wisdom. James 1:5 promises that if we ask God for wisdom, ​He will give it generously. Make it a habit to seek God’s guidance before accepting ​any teaching or leadership as valid.

Insight for Everyday Challenges:

This spiritual truth aids us in navigating everyday challenges by equipping us with ​discernment. In a world full of persuasive voices and attractive distractions, the ability to ​distinguish truth from deception is crucial. Here are some ways to apply this:

  • Workplace Ethics: When faced with ethical dilemmas at work, use biblical principles to ​guide your decisions rather than following the crowd. Just because a practice is ​common doesn’t mean it’s right.

  • Media Consumption: Not all content labeled "Christian" is edifying. Be mindful of the ​books you read, the music you listen to, and the shows you watch. Evaluate them ​through the lens of Scripture.

Personal Relationships: In friendships and romantic relationships, look for partners who ​encourage your spiritual growth and live out godly principles. Their actions will speak ​louder than their words.

A Different Perspective:

You may have previously thought that any message about God or Jesus is inherently good. ​However, this passage challenges us to go deeper, to not take everything at face value. It ​urges us to be active participants in our faith, carefully evaluating and testing everything ​against the Bible. This perspective shifts the responsibility onto us to be diligent and ​discerning, ensuring that our faith and the faith of those we disciple remain pure and true to ​God’s Word.

Prayer: Lord, give us the wisdom and discernment to recognize true godliness and reject ​deception. Help us to be vigilant in testing everything against Your Word and to bear good ​fruit in our own lives. Guide us in our discipleship journey, that we may lead others to You ​with integrity and truth. Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries