Finding Serenity

in the Storm:

Choosing Peace Over Happiness

Tuesday, June 29, 2024

Praise in the storm

“Peace I leave with you; my peace ​I give to you. Not as the world ​gives do I give to you. Let not your ​hearts be troubled, neither let them ​be afraid.” – John 14:27 ESV

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In our modern world, the pursuit of happiness has become almost a religion in itself. We ​see it everywhere—from advertisements promising joy with the next purchase to social ​media posts showcasing the seemingly perfect lives of others. However, in the relentless ​chase for happiness, we often find ourselves feeling more empty and disconnected than ​ever before.

I remember a time when I was deeply engrossed in this pursuit. It was during a period when ​I was trying to balance multiple responsibilities—working two different jobs (even taking on ​extra tasks), managing household chores, and trying to maintain a social life. I believed that ​if I could just get everything done perfectly and keep everyone happy, I would find ​happiness myself. But despite my best efforts, I was constantly stressed and exhausted. And ​though I was striving for a sense of accomplishment and validation, it seemed the more I ​tried to achieve- the more overwhelmed I felt.

It was in a moment of desperation that I turned to prayer, seeking something more ​substantial. I stumbled upon John 14:27 and felt a profound sense of relief wash over me. ​Jesus' words about peace resonated deeply. It became clear that what I had been chasing ​was a fleeting emotion, while what I truly needed was a deep, abiding peace that only Jesus ​could provide.

Jesus never once promises us happiness in His teachings. Instead, He offers us peace—a ​peace that transcends circumstances and remains steadfast even in the face of trials and ​tribulations. This peace is something the world can never give us. It is not dependent on ​our achievements, possessions, or the approval of others. It is a gift from Christ, assuring us ​of His presence and love, no matter what we face.

This understanding of peace over happiness transforms our approach to life and ​discipleship. As followers of Christ, our mission is not to pursue our own happiness at the ​expense of others but to share the peace we have found in Jesus with those around us. This ​peace enables us to serve selflessly, to love deeply, and to be a light in a world that is often ​dark and chaotic.

In discipleship, our responsibility is to guide others towards this peace. By living out ​Christ’s peace in our lives, we become witnesses to its power and draw others to seek the ​same. It’s about demonstrating that true contentment and serenity come from a relationship ​with Jesus, not from the transient pleasures of this world.

So, as you navigate your daily life, remember that the greatest gift you can receive and ​share is the peace of Christ. Let His peace guard your heart and mind, and let it overflow to ​touch the lives of those around you. In doing so, you fulfill your role as a disciple, leading ​others not towards fleeting happiness, but towards the everlasting peace found only in ​Jesus.

May you be filled with the peace of Christ today and always, and may you be a beacon of ​that peace to everyone you encounter.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries