Embracing the Call:

Living the Discipleship Lifestyle

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for ​the Lord and not for men, knowing that ​from the Lord you will receive the ​inheritance as your reward. You are ​serving the Lord Christ."

–Colossians 3:23-24 ESV

Discipleship is not just an event or a program; it's a way of life, a journey of becoming more ​like Christ each day. This journey comes with responsibilities that go beyond Sunday ​services and church activities. It involves embodying Christ's love, truth, and teachings in ​every aspect of our lives, reflecting His light to those around us.

Understanding the Responsibility:

Being a disciple means more than learning and following; it means teaching and leading by ​example. When we embrace this role, we commit to living out biblical principles daily, ​understanding that our actions, words, and decisions can influence others.

1. Living with Integrity: Every decision we make should align with God's truth. ​Whether at work, home, or in social settings, our integrity reflects our faith. When we ​act with honesty, kindness, and humility, we set a powerful example. For instance, ​dealing fairly in business or offering a kind word to a colleague in need can speak ​volumes about our values.

2. Serving Others: True discipleship involves a heart for service. Look for ​opportunities to help others, whether through volunteering, offering a listening ear, or ​providing support in times of need. This mirrors Jesus' own example of servanthood ​and demonstrates His love in practical ways.

3. Persevering in Challenges: Life is filled with challenges, but as disciples, we face ​them with a different perspective. We know that God is with us, providing strength and ​wisdom. When confronted with difficulties, turning to prayer and scripture can offer ​guidance and peace. For example, when facing a tough decision, seeking wisdom from ​God's Word and praying for discernment can lead to a solution rooted in faith.

Practical Applications:

  • Workplace: Approach your work as an act of worship. Work diligently, treat your ​colleagues with respect, and maintain a positive attitude, even in stressful situations. ​Your commitment to excellence and ethical behavior can influence others and bring glory ​to God.
  • Family: Model Christ-like behavior at home. Show love, patience, and forgiveness to your ​family members. Engage in meaningful conversations about faith and encourage each ​other in spiritual growth.
  • Community: Get involved in your community. Participate in local events, support ​charitable causes, and build relationships with your neighbors. Your presence and actions ​can demonstrate God's love in tangible ways.

A Fresh Perspective:

Many of us have heard the call to discipleship countless times, but it’s essential to ​understand its profound implications. Discipleship is not about adding more tasks to our to-​do lists; it's about transforming the way we live every moment. It's about being intentional in ​our walk with Christ, allowing His truth to guide our actions and decisions.


Discipleship is a lifelong commitment to following Jesus and leading others to Him through ​our words and actions. By integrating biblical truth into our daily lives, we become effective ​ambassadors for Christ, showing His love and wisdom in practical ways. Embrace this ​journey wholeheartedly, knowing that every act of faithfulness, no matter how small, ​contributes to God’s kingdom.


Heavenly Father, help us to embrace the true essence of discipleship. Guide our steps, fill ​our hearts with Your love, and let Your truth be the foundation of our lives. May we reflect ​Christ in all we do, leading others to know and follow You. Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries