Daily Bread:

Nourishment for a Healthy Soul

Monday, July 22, 2024

"For the word of God is living and ​active, sharper than any two-edged ​sword, piercing to the division of ​soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, ​and discerning the thoughts and ​intentions of the heart."

– Hebrews 4 : 12 ESV

In our journey of discipleship, engaging with the Bible regularly is paramount. A ​fascinating scientific study reveals profound insights into what happens when we ​immerse ourselves in Scripture at least four times a week. The findings are not just ​statistics; they highlight the transformative power of God's Word in our daily lives ​and our witness to others.

Key Findings:

1. Behavioral Impact: Those who engage with the Bible at least four times a week are:

    • 57% less likely to get drunk.
    • 68% less likely to engage in sex outside marriage.
    • 61% less likely to consume pornography.
    • 74% less likely to gamble.

2. Positive Spiritual Practices: Regular Bible readers are:

    • 228% more likely to share their faith with others.
    • 231% more likely to disciple others.
    • 407% more likely to memorize Scripture.

These statistics clearly show that regular engagement with Scripture not only fortifies ​us against temptations but also empowers us to live out our faith more vibrantly and ​effectively.

Discipleship as a Lifestyle:

Discipleship is not just about attending church or participating in events; it's about ​weaving our faith into the fabric of our daily lives. By making Bible reading a regular ​habit, we draw closer to Jesus, understand His teachings more deeply, and live them ​out more authentically. This regular engagement with God's Word transforms our ​hearts, renews our minds, and aligns our actions with His will.

Daily Practice:

Start small but be consistent. Set aside time each day, even if it's just a few minutes, ​to read the Bible. Reflect on what you read and ask the Holy Spirit to help you apply ​it to your life. Share your insights with others and encourage them to join you in this ​journey.


As disciples of Christ, our daily habits significantly impact our personal relationship ​with Jesus and our witness to the world. Let’s commit to engaging with the Bible ​regularly, allowing its transformative power to shape our lives and influence those ​around us.

For further reading and a deeper understanding of the study, please refer to the ​following link:


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word that is alive and powerful. Help us to ​prioritize reading the Bible regularly. May Your Word transform our hearts, guide our ​actions, and strengthen our witness. In Jesus' name, Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries