
The Call to Make Disciples Today

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

"Go therefore and make disciples of ​all nations, baptizing them in the ​name of the Father and of the Son ​and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them ​to observe all that I have commanded ​you. And behold, I am with you ​always, to the end of the age." ​_Matthew 28:19-20 ESV

In these final words recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus commissions his disciples to ​go and make disciples of all nations. This command is not limited to those who walked with ​Jesus in Galilee but extends to every follower of Christ throughout history, including us ​today. We are called to carry forward the mission of spreading the Good News, baptizing ​believers, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded.

Imagine the scene: a diverse crowd gathers on a hillside in Galilee. Jesus, risen from the ​dead, speaks with authority and power. His words are a mandate that echoes through the ​ages, reaching us in our time and place. The call to make disciples is not just a suggestion ​or an option for some; it is a commandment for all who profess faith in Christ.

Personal Reflection:

I remember a time when I hesitated to share my faith with others. I felt uncertain about how ​people would respond or if I had enough knowledge to answer their questions. Yet, ​reflecting on Jesus' commission in Matthew 28:19-20 reminded me that this task is not about ​my abilities but about obedience to God's call.

One day, a colleague approached me with deep concerns about life and purpose. As we ​talked, I felt a prompting to share about how my faith in Christ gave me hope and direction. ​It was a simple conversation over lunch, but it opened doors for further discussions about ​God's love and grace. Over time, my colleague started attending church and eventually ​made a decision to follow Christ.


Jesus' commission to make disciples is relevant to us today in every aspect of our lives. ​Whether at work, school, or in our communities, we have opportunities to share the hope ​and love of Jesus Christ. Here are practical steps to incorporate this commission into our ​daily lives:

  • Pray for Opportunities: Ask God to open doors for conversations about faith and to give ​you boldness to share when the opportunity arises.

  • Live out the Gospel: Let your life reflect the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. People ​often notice our actions before our words, so live with integrity and compassion.
  • Be Prepared: Study God's Word regularly so that you can explain the hope you have in ​Christ and answer questions others may have.

  • Build Relationships: Discipleship often happens in the context of relationships. Invest ​time in getting to know others and journeying with them in their spiritual growth.

Remember, Jesus promised to be with us always as we obey his command to make ​disciples. His presence empowers us and gives us confidence to fulfill this great ​commission. Let us, therefore, go forth in faith, knowing that God is at work through us to ​bring others into relationship with Him.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries