Christ Over Culture:

The Discipleship Choice

World Peace Day Concept:Silhouette of Jesus Reaching Out Hand

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone ​would come after me, let him deny ​himself and take up his cross and follow ​me or whoever would save his life will ​lose it, but whoever loses his life for my ​sake will find it. For what will it profit a ​man if he gains the whole world and ​forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man ​give in return for his soul?”

– Matthew 16:24-26 ESV

I saw a meme going around the internet listing “things Jesus did not say”, and the contrast ​when spelled out for you is profound. It inspired me to take it further and bring a bit more ​light to the message represented. In today’s society, we are constantly bombarded with ​messages that encourage us to prioritize our own desires, pursue personal happiness above ​all else, and define our own truth. These messages are enticing because they promise ​fulfillment and self-actualization. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a ​different path—a path that often runs counter to the prevailing wisdom of the world.

The Message of the World vs. The Message of Jesus

1. The Message of the World: Follow your heart.

The Message of Jesus: Follow me.

    • The world tells us to follow our hearts, but our hearts can be deceptive and lead ​us astray. Jesus calls us to follow Him, trusting in His guidance and wisdom ​above our own emotions and desires.

2. The Message of the World:

Be true to yourself.

The Message of Jesus: Whoever wants to be

my disciple must deny himself.

    • Self-denial is not a popular concept in today’s culture, yet it is fundamental to ​discipleship. To follow Jesus, we must be willing to set aside our own agendas ​and preferences to embrace His will for our lives.

3. The Message of the World:

Believe in yourself.

The Message of Jesus: Believe in me.

    • While self-confidence is important, our ultimate confidence should rest in ​Jesus. When we believe in Him, we are anchored in the unshakeable foundation ​of His love and truth.

4. The Message of the World: Live your truth.

The Message of Jesus: I am the truth.

    • The notion of “your truth” implies that truth is subjective and individual. ​However, Jesus declared Himself to be the truth—absolute and universal. Our ​lives should be rooted in His truth, not our own perceptions.

5. The Message of the World: As long as

you are happy.

The Message of Jesus: What will it profit a

man if he gains the whole world

and loses his soul?

    • The pursuit of happiness is often short-sighted and self-centered. Jesus reminds ​us of the eternal perspective, urging us to consider the state of our souls rather ​than temporary pleasures.

Living Out This Message in Daily Life

As disciples, how can we apply these truths to our everyday challenges and responsibilities?

1. Decision Making: When faced with choices, seek God’s guidance through prayer and ​Scripture. Instead of merely following your heart, ask, “What would Jesus have me do in this ​situation?”

2. Self-Reflection: Regularly evaluate your motives and actions. Are they aligned with ​Christ’s teachings? Are you denying yourself and taking up your cross daily, or are you ​seeking self-gratification?

3. Confidence: Build your confidence not on your abilities but on your identity in Christ. ​Trust in His strength and provision, especially in times of uncertainty and difficulty.

4. Truth-Seeking: Ground yourself in biblical truth. In a world that celebrates subjective ​realities, let God’s Word be your ultimate authority and guide.

5. Eternal Perspective: In your pursuits, whether career, relationships, or personal goals, ​consider their eternal significance. Are you investing in things that have lasting value, or are ​you chasing after fleeting happiness?

Daily Insight

Understanding and embracing these spiritual truths can greatly impact our everyday lives. ​When we follow Jesus instead of our hearts, we find direction and purpose beyond our ​immediate circumstances. Denying ourselves to follow Christ can bring about a deeper ​sense of fulfillment than any self-serving pursuit ever could. Believing in Jesus anchors us in ​a hope that transcends our abilities and situations. Living according to His truth provides ​clarity and stability amid a world of shifting values. Prioritizing our soul’s well-being over ​temporary happiness fosters a peace and joy that are resilient to life’s challenges.

In Conclusion

The messages of the world may seem attractive, but they are fleeting and often deceptive. ​In contrast, the message of Jesus offers a path to true and lasting life. By choosing to ​follow Him, deny ourselves, believe in His truth, and value our souls above worldly gains, we ​can navigate life’s challenges with a steadfast and enduring hope. May we daily commit to ​being true disciples of Christ, reflecting His love and truth in all we do.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries