Character in Action:

Discipleship Through Love

Thursday, July 11, 2024

"And the Lord's servant must not be ​quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to ​teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting ​his opponents with gentleness. God may ​perhaps grant them repentance leading to a ​knowledge of the truth, and they may come ​to their senses and escape from the snare of ​the devil, after being captured by him to do ​his will."

— 2 Timothy 2:24-26 ESV

As disciples of Christ, we are called not only to follow Him but also to lead others ​towards Him. This passage from 2 Timothy highlights the character and conduct ​expected of the Lord's servant. It reminds us that true leadership in God's kingdom is ​not about authority or position but about embodying Christ-like qualities.

First, we are called to avoid quarrels. In a world full of conflict, maintaining a ​peaceful and kind demeanor sets us apart. This doesn't mean we avoid addressing ​wrongs or stay silent on important issues. Instead, we approach these situations with ​kindness and a spirit of reconciliation.

Secondly, we must be able to teach. Teaching is not merely about imparting ​knowledge but about sharing wisdom gained from our walk with Christ. It involves ​patience and gentleness, especially when facing opposition. Our goal is not to win ​arguments but to win hearts, guiding others toward the truth with love and ​understanding.

Lastly, the passage underscores the importance of patience and gentleness, even in ​correction. This reflects a deep trust in God's power to transform hearts. Our role is to ​plant seeds of truth and nurture them with grace, leaving the growth to God.

Reflecting on these verses, it's clear that what qualifies us for leadership in God's ​eyes is our character. As disciples, we must strive to embody these qualities daily, ​recognizing that our conduct speaks louder than our words. Through our actions, ​others can see the transformative power of Christ in our lives and be drawn to Him.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being Your servants and disciples. ​Help us to embody the qualities described in Your Word—kindness, patience, ​gentleness, and the ability to teach with love. Strengthen our character so that we ​may lead others to You not by our strength, but by Your grace and truth shining ​through us. Grant us the wisdom to navigate conflicts with peace and the patience to ​endure challenges with grace. May our lives reflect Your love and draw others into ​Your embrace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries