Beyond the Present:

Discipleship with an Eternal Lens

Door in a Bible

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Golden Luxury Decoration Filigree Line

In our journey of faith, the apostle Paul’s ​words in Romans 8:18 serve as a profound ​reminder of the eternal perspective that ​should shape our lives as disciples of ​Christ. He speaks of a future glory that far ​outweighs any present suffering we may ​endure. This perspective is not merely a ​hope for the distant future but a reality ​that informs how we live and how we ​disciple others in the here and now.

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not ​worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” ​_Romans 8:18 ESV

As disciples of Christ, we are called to live with a deep awareness of this future glory. This ​awareness changes how we view the challenges and trials of life. When we encounter ​difficulties—whether personal struggles, opposition to our faith, or the pains of a broken ​world—we can find strength in knowing that these are temporary. They are but a small part ​of a larger story that ends in eternal joy and fulfillment.

When we disciple others, we are not just imparting knowledge or teaching principles; we are ​inviting them into a journey of faith where this eternal perspective becomes central. We ​teach them to see their present circumstances through the lens of God’s promises—a lens ​that reveals a future where every tear will be wiped away and every pain redeemed.

Practically, this means that our discipleship is not confined to religious activities or ​moments of study alone. It encompasses every aspect of life. We disciple others by ​demonstrating how faith in Christ transforms our responses to everyday challenges—how ​we love our neighbors, forgive those who wrong us, and persevere through difficulties with ​hope and trust in God’s ultimate purposes.

When we relate our faith to everyday life through the lens of Romans 8:18, we inspire others ​to live with a resilient hope that is grounded in God’s promises. We encourage them to ​endure with patience and perseverance, knowing that the sufferings of this present time are ​temporary compared to the eternal glory that awaits us.

Let us pray for the grace to live as disciples who embrace this eternal perspective and who ​disciple others with the same vision. May our lives reflect the hope and joy of knowing that ​God’s promises are sure, and His glory will be revealed in fullness to those who love Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise of future glory that sustains us through ​every trial and difficulty. Help us to live with an eternal perspective, trusting in your ​faithfulness and sharing this hope with those around us. May our lives bear witness to your ​transformative power and your eternal love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries