A New Creation:

Living Out Genuine Repentance

Friday, July 5, 2024

Change my heart, O God,

make it ever true.

Change my heart, O God,

may I be like You.

– E. Espinosa © 1982


To repent doesn't just mean to feel sorry for your sins; it means to change your mind ​about sin, to turn away from it, and turn to Christ. Repentance is a change in ​direction, brought on by a transformation that becomes evident in our lives. This ​transformation is what Jesus meant by being "born again" (John 3:3).

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born ​again he cannot see the kingdom of God."

– John 3:3 ESV

In the process of accepting Christ as our personal Savior and trusting Him for our ​eternal salvation, we become abundantly aware of the seriousness of sin. We look at ​our sin and feel godly sorrow, and in doing so, we acquire this transformation. With ​the Lord's help, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we no longer see things the ​way we did before. Sinful attributes we may have possessed before are suddenly ​appalling. Sinful desires that we were perfectly content indulging in suddenly seem ​wrong. We become a new creation in Christ.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. ​The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

– 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

Sadly, many who believe they have been in Christ for years continue to live as they ​did before their confession of faith. They exhibit no fruit of the Spirit, no change in ​attitude, actions, or lifestyle, yet they believe they are saved. Repentance does not ​save us. It is the result of the faith we put in Christ. When we truly believe, the Spirit of ​God within us causes us to repent, leading to genuine transformation. Repentance is ​thus the result of being saved, not the means of salvation.

As disciples of Christ, this message should deeply influence our lives. Our ​discipleship duties involve more than just sharing the gospel; they require us to model ​and encourage true repentance and transformation. We must live lives that reflect the ​change Christ has made in us, bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.

"Bear fruit in keeping with repentance."

– Matthew 3:8 ESV


  • Self-Examination: Regularly examine your life to ensure that you are bearing the ​fruit of the Spirit. Ask yourself if your attitudes, actions, and lifestyle reflect a ​genuine transformation. If not, seek the Holy Spirit's guidance to align your life ​with God's will.

  • Accountability: Engage in relationships with fellow believers where you can hold ​each other accountable. Encourage one another to live out your faith ​authentically, supporting each other in areas where growth is needed.
  • Witness Through Actions: Let your life be a testimony of true repentance and ​transformation. When others see the change in you, it can be a powerful witness ​to the reality of Christ's work in your life.
  • Disciple Others: In your discipleship efforts, emphasize the importance of ​genuine repentance and transformation. Teach others that true faith in Christ ​results in a changed life, marked by the fruit of the Spirit. Help them understand ​that repentance is a response to salvation, not a means to it.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Help us to ​understand that true repentance is a result of our faith in Him and the work of Your ​Spirit within us. Guide us to live lives that reflect genuine transformation, bearing the ​fruit of the Spirit. Strengthen us in our discipleship duties, that we may encourage and ​support others in their journey of faith. May our lives be a testimony of Your grace and ​power, drawing others to You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

John Ray Hardy

Discipleship Through Love Ministries